
2.2.0 – July 10, 2024

2.1.0 – Nov 26, 2021

2.0.0 – Sep 23, 2021

1.7.1 – AUG 30, 2020

  • Bug
    • Fix PHP notice (start reporting with WordPress 5.5)

1.7.0 – AUG 20, 2020

1.6.2 – AUG 10, 2020

  •  Bugs
    • Forgot to update the version in CSS and JS files in v1.6.1

1.6.1 – AUG 10, 2020

  •  Bugs
    • Avoid caching issue by adding version as suffix in CSS and JS files

1.6.0 – AUG 08, 2020

1.5.1 – Jun 11, 2019

1.5.0 – Jun 04, 2019

1.4.0 – Nov 08, 2018

  • Enhancements
    • Added Support for Gutenberg
    • Set meta_keys to be protected to stop duplication in Custom Fields

1.3.0 – June 07, 2018

1.2.24 – May 31, 2018

1.2.23 – May 22, 2018

  • Enhancement
    • Added Privacy Policy Content for WordPress 4.9.6 and higher.

1.2.22 – May 16, 2018

  • Enhancement
    • Added Capabilities to view the Permalinks Page
  • Bug
    • Fixed cp_remove_like_query Filter issue

1.2.21 – April 17, 2018

1.2.20 – April 11, 2018

1.2.19 – April 10, 2018

  • Bug
    • Fixed undefined variable issue on PostTypes Permalinks page
    • Fixed LIKE Query Issue

1.2.18 – April 05, 2018

  • Enhancements
    • Merged custom-permalinks-main.php with custom-permalinks.php
    • Added uninstall.php
  • Bugs
    • Added feed redirect of default permalink
    • Provide proper feed of custom permalink

1.2.17 – Feb 13, 2018

  • Fixed Pagination Issue on Comments
  • Optimize Post Pager Query

1.2.16 – Feb 09, 2018

  • Added compatibility with Tasty Recipes Plugin

1.2.15 – Feb 08, 2018

  • Added filter which can be used to add PATH_INFO in $_SERVER Variable

1.2.14 – Feb 07, 2018

  • Enhancement
    • Added PATH_INFO in $_SERVER Variable
  • Bug
    • $this variable issue on static method

1.2.12 – Jan 25, 2018

  • Fixed translation path and pager content issue

1.2.11 – Jan 24, 2018

  • Fixed pager issue

1.2.10 – Jan 17, 2018

  • Fixed Redirect Issue of Child Pages

1.2.9 – Jan 16, 2018

  • Enhancements
    • Added Filter to enable the like query
  • Bugs
    • PHP error displayed on all pages using custom permalinks
    • Removed LIKE Query in default. It only works if the site uses PolyLang, AMP Plugins or separately enabled using the provided filter.

1.2.8 – Nov 03, 2017

  • Add Order by in request query

1.2.7 – Oct 27, 2017

  • Fixed Parse Error

1.2.6 – Oct 27, 2017

  • Enhancements
    • Added Filter to Exclude Post types
  • Bugs
    • Fixed Query Issue on parse_request
    • Resolving Issues with Cornerstone

1.2.5 – Oct 17, 2017

  • Fixed Category/Tag Update Issue + Typo on Admin Page

1.2.4 – Oct 07, 2017

  • Fixed Slug issue with Yoast SEO

1.2.3 – Sept 27, 2017

  • Fixed PHP Notice on Edit Post Page

1.2.2 – Sept 26, 2017

  • Fixed Typo of Class Object for term on Admin Page

1.2.1 – Sept 25, 2017

  • Fixed Class Typo

1.2 – Sept 25, 2017

  • Enhancements
    • Added Filter to Exclude/Ignore URL to be processed
    • Added Translation Capability
    • Split the Code using OOPS Concept to improve performance and applied the filters according to the need
    • Removed some unnecessary filters
  • Bugs
    • Fixed Vulnerability Issues

1.1 – Sept 25, 2017

  • Enhancements

    • Added PostTypes Permalinks Page
      • View all the PostTypes permalinks
      • Search Permalinks
      • Sort by Title
      • Pagination
    • Added Categories Permalinks Page
      • View all the Category/Tags permalinks
      • Search Permalinks
      • Pagination
  • Bugs

    • 404 Issues
    • Child pages bug

1.0.2 – Aug 15, 2017

  • Fixed Notice and some URL Issues

1.0.1 – Aug 12, 2017

  • Fixed issue with AMP Pages

1.0 – Aug 11, 2017

  • Updated Query on the custom_permalinks_request Function